But in better, more positive and interesting news....
Ever since we got engaged, we had a small list of boy names that we were POSITIVE we would use someday in the l o n g future when we started a family (so presh right?). Well little over two years later, it's crunch time and time to choose said name. It is funny how when it is the real deal, those names you were so positive about go flying out the window like they never existed in the first place.
And we were back to a blank canvas.
Then there was one name, Karson. We loved it. We wanted it. We thought for sure this is the name. Karson Clark. Perfect. So I went with it for about two weeks but secretly I was looking up other boys names on Google and I was wondering why Karson only felt like the mediocre choice, but not one that I was just over the moon excited about.
1. Sounds good in the starting line up of a ball game
2. Sounds good in the name of a successful company someday (ex: "Blah, Blah" and Associates)
Easy enough right?
Then we heard THE NAME. It wasn't an instant "OH MY GOSH YES THAT IS IT". But gradually as time went on, the thought of naming our first child this made me so much happier than Karson. I don't know why, because I still looooove that name. But this name was just different. I had a dream about it. It was actually a craaaazzzy dream (i'll spare the details), which is common in this pregnancy. My dreams have been literally things you cannot even find in the craziest sci-fi novel collections. I dare you to find one crazier than my dreams. hint: you won't. My dreams are straight nuts. Thanks Baby.
But back to the 'name' dream. I knew that THIS time it was a real sign (at least that's what I'm going with.) The next day I asked Tanner... "Is this reaaalllly our child's name?" And he said "Yup! It really is!!" We both knew it.
We have been referring to "baby" by his name for about a month now and each time I just smile ear to ear because it makes it so much more real, and I love when Tanner refers to him by his name and talks about all the things he's looking forward to do with him... It melts me. Every. Dang. Time.
Anyways, without further adieu, Baby Clark will be named...
{Greyson Garth Clark}
The Middle Name: The middle name "Garth" has a story behind it as well. This is not only Tanner's middle name, but the middle name of the first born son for the past 5 generations in Tanner's lineage. Greyson will be the sixth little dude to enter the world carrying this middle name since he is the first born son in our family and Tanner was the first born son in his family...etc. Greyson will be the sixth generation. It is pretty cool to think about.
Well Baby Greyson, we have your name now.
And we hope you like it. Although you don't really have a choice.
But we cannot wait to pair that name with your real life, squishy face in 9 weeks someday soon.
But until then I'll just be crafting... and trying not to blame you for my immense back pain and other joys that have come with pregnancy...
Keep cookin' good little dude!
We love you.
*Side note: I do reserve the right to change this, if for some reason a better, more handsome name comes along. Or if I have another weird dream. But for now, this is what we are stickin' with and I'm pretty certain it is here to stay!*