We test drove one while in DC and this gave us motivation to save up and work hard. Luckily Tanner was able to work extremely hard this summer to make it possible for us to prepare for the largest purchase of our lives thus far. He's a stud. But I digress.... at the end of the summer we went to Vancouver to see my family and while we were there we decided we would buy it then so we could just drive it to school when the time came.
Before getting to Vancouver I got in contact with the Mazda dealership there in Vancouver so they knew when we were coming and what we wanted exactly to make sure they'd have in stock. Pretty much the easiest sale of their life. Just have it ready and we will come get it.
Well the day finally came and my parents dropped us off at the dealership... we weren't leaving without our car. What we didn't expect is how DIFFICULT and LONG the process is of leaving with the car... After 5 hours of filling out paperwork, meeting with various different departments and convincing them that we indeed had the financial stability for this purchase- we were FINALLY on the road in our new baby :)
Although every long hour in that car dealership was worth it, I don't look forward to buying new car anytime soon. I got my fix of stale popcorn and awkward salesmen for a long time.
The first thing we did while driving away from the dealership was come up with a name for 'her'. After little deliberation, we came up with and decided the name "Candie". Must be spelt "ie" instead of "y". This makes a big difference in the interpretation of her name. Although the explanation behind her name is confidential, her name is Candie and she is p e r f e c t.
(Oh and did I mention, in the midst of those 5 long hours, Tanner was able to use his amazing sales skills and talk down the salesmen $6,000 from his original offer? Yeah. Attractive.)
By the time we walked out of that dealership, the salesmen was not only barely making any commission off of us, but he even admitted how impressed with us he was. People like to underestimate us. And we like it.
We were able to drive with away with exactly what we wanted, specialty package and all, and only 16 miles to her name. That's a beautiful thing.
Tanner finds himself taking multiple pictures a week of her. I only put a couple, to spare you from the rest. It's like our child. Except she doesn't cry, doesn't poop and is constantly playing R&B. and I'm okay with that.
Dear Candie,
Welcome to the family. We love you.
the clarks.