Well... Last month (I know Ive been terrible at blogging) my boss told me about the zoo and I immediately got excited! Anyone who knows me knows I am obsessed with animals. And the zoo. So this was an obvious choice when thinking about what to do on the weekend. Tanner was equally as excited to go (I love that boy), and we invited our friends Stephanie and Karl.
The zoo was called the 'The National Washington DC Smithsonian Zoo'.... Sounds pretty legit right? I had dreamt in my head leading up to the day, of this ginormous zoo full of every type of cuddly creature imaginable.
Well... There were a couple cuddlies, but it was sort of a disappointment. They didn't have polar bears or giraffes!! I thought those were classics? They did have some sweet elephants and monkeys and of course a fat panda... But other than tht it was nothing special. Plus did I mention that DC is ridiculously HUMID???? Yeah. About that. You step outside and are instantly sweaty and your face is wet. It's a great feeling. Bye bye straight hair. See you in a couple months.
Anyways, I'm not going to lie, I swooned over the elephants. I could've watched them all day. They are amazing and I can't wait to ride one in Africa someday... (It's gonna happen!)
Overall, it was a great day because I got to sweat it out at the zoo with this cute boy. Oh and because when we passed a vender in the zoo and saw 'Dip&Dots and Powerade' and we both stopped and looked at each other like 'I know we will essentially be paying $20 for air and electrolytes but I want it and I want it now' at the same time. It's moments like those that I remember how hand crafted we are for each other. So after the little/much needed/totally worth it snack, we decided to head out.
On the way home from the zoo, we passed the White House... Kind of by accident. So we parked and got out and decided to walk to see the house of the president.
There were also a ton of protesters there. I think they were from Israel or some country. I have absolutely no idea what they were protesting, but keep on chanting in your language people.. Someone will understand. Power to the people I suppose.
After standing there for a bit we headed back to the car. Once we were on the road about the head home, a cop car popped out of no where and told us to stop. In the middle of a intersection. I was so confused. Then I noticed all the other security barricades stopping even pedestrians. Very soon after a line of about 6 motorcycle cops zoomed by, followed by about 15 blacked out suburbans and ending with another 10 cop cars, and an ambulance heading into the White House. Obviously the President decided to come home. What a welcoming.
Disregarding my feelings about the President and his leadership, it was still pretty cool to see.
It was a great day with animals and the president.
-Mr & Mrs Clark
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